Sunday, April 26, 2009
但 是今天很兴奋,因为有去到山顶啪照有啪到几张自己很喜欢的但是待不久因为山顶风大又冷,冷到自己都发抖然后就赶快上车回家然后晚上煮bak ku teh homemade的‘哗哗’味道太棒了,来了那么久也没吃到什么好吃的,还好homemade也不差至少自己想吃什么就煮什么,有大头姑,小辣椒很久没有 吃过小辣椒了。。。真是太棒啦!!!!
这 几天这里都下雨天气也更冷了,现在连睡觉都要穿长裤跟袜子还要盖2张被。。。。因为实在冷到我不行又没有开heating因为会很吃电,电费又会很贵所以 就要‘顶硬上’但是我都不懂可以顶多久感觉到好像很可怜。。。很想回家!!不懂下个月有没有回会去参加我哥哥的结婚party姐姐她们很想我回去因为她们 全部都已经结婚了有自己家庭也嫁到不一样的地方所以就很难全部姐妹在一起聊天。。。全部都结婚了只剩下我,我是家里最小的也是她们最担心的。。。她们问我 到底想怎样有什么打算。。。我想怎样我自己都不知道,我已经没方向了!I am Loser.......我已经迷失了!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Nutritional Immunology
Throughout history, scientists have been successful in developing drugs that treat specific diseases. But they have yet to create an adequate substitute for a healthy immune system – a substitute that most likely does not exist.
We used to think illnesses were linked mainly to infectious agents. Throughout medical advances and the improvement of living standards, scientists have used all kinds of chemical drugs to inhibit the spread of viruses and bacterial agents. In today's world, we are facing a new kind of health challenge: illnesses related to our modern diet such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. When faced with the challenge of these degenerative diseases, we realize the importance of prevention through balanced diets.
Eventhough "nutrition" and "immunology" were once two separate disciplines, today we realize the importance of combining the two sciences for the improvement of our immune systems. Imbalanced diets, unhealthy living habits, and insufficient health knowledge are all causes of suppressed immune function. Without a properly functioning immune system, we cannot face the microbial, health hazards of daily life.
Simply searching for cures is no longer enough to combat disease; prevention is the key to greater health, and nutritional immunology can provide the knowledge to obtain it. According to nutritional immunology, when the body is deprived of essential nutrients, the immune system is weakened and loses its ability to defend us against illness. However, when functioning properly, the immune system has the ability to combat disease and illness, and even overcome the constant attacks of environmental pollutants and toxins.
Recognizing that disease prevention addresses the problem of poor health more effectively than searching for cures, Dr. Chen has discovered definite connections between the nutrients found in plant foods and immune system function. According to the science of nutritional immunology, plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs provide a rich source of nutrients that the body needs. In fact, the phytochemicals found in plants are believed to prevent dietary fat from promoting tumors, inhibit the growth of microbes, and improve blood lipids and cholesterol levels. The American Cancer Society maintains that nutrition is a major player in preventing cancer deaths.
以往人们罹患的疾病都围绕在各种传染性疾病上,历经医疗的进步与生活的富裕,科学家用不断发明的药物抵抗病毒,到如今,时代的脚步却将疾病的演变推向另一 个可怕的挑战,癌症、心脏病、高血压、糖尿病........,面对慢性疾病的侵袭,我们依然无法免于恐惧,因为这些疾病往往来自于让我们毫不警觉的不良 生活环境与错误饮食习惯。
生活在充满环境污染与忙碌的生活压力下,各式重口味、强调色香味俱全的饮食刺激似乎是现代生活的另一种慰藉,然而隐藏在口腹满足的背后,是各式高脂肪、高 胆固醇、高钠、化学添加物的陷阱,长期营养失调的结果,造成人体免疫系统功能的失调或衰退,进而衍生为慢性疾病或导致疾病入侵。
过去,科学界一直致力于发展药物,期望它能“治愈”疾病,但事与愿违,研究人员逐渐发现化学药品并非万灵丹,它无法如预期的完全治愈疾病,药物试图解决的是症状,而非病根。反而是人体本身的防御机制 ── 免疫系统,具有不可思议的力量。
功 能良好的免疫系统随时处于备战状态,为人体负起抵挡外来入侵者的责任,复杂及多变的免疫系统具有防御疾病、克服疾病,甚至克服环境污染物及毒素所需的武 器。值得注意的是,虽然免疫系统的功能令人惊叹,但仍可能因持续摄取不健康的食物而失效。研究已证实,适当的营养可强化免疫系统的功能,因此,在日常生活 中摄取适当的营养对人体的健康非常重要,而一旦身染疾病才开始注意营养,则未免太迟了。
由丞燕国际机构创办人陈昭妃博士所提出之营养免疫学(NUTRITIONAL IMMUNOLOGY),即是强调透过均衡、天然且多样化的营养,来滋养免疫系统功能,进而运用自身的力量去抵抗无止尽的病毒侵袭。
Friday, April 17, 2009
I don't know start from when i like to take photograph is quite interesting to capture a natural landscape...cause when i went to other city or town they got many beautiful building i never since before that why i had to capture down to keep this memory in my was be my 1st time stay in oversea and can went to few city enjoy my got chance to let me do whatever i like to do,when ill back to m'sia sure will no time do capture like this kind of picture...i prefer to capture blue sky and beach water in blue,it can be cold down my mind and clear.I like to share this kind of photo with yours.
Please leave me so comment what i should improve...thanks!
女朋友心想...男朋友所想... 女生,是需要珍惜的。 想想當初你見到她是多麼開心,她的一頻一笑都讓你注意,
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Easter day.
On easter day we went to canberra stay 1nite,it was take 6hour drive to reanch destination...we thought is only 4hr can reach but on the way we lost direction because GPS show us a big round. When we reach so tired and hungry but we still have to check in 1st after we go looking for lunch at canberra lunch time till 3pm they restaurant was close...omg we looking till 5pm finally reach canberra central food count we just having some noodle cause later is time for dinner...I never knew in canberra was too many asian face alot of student came from china and hong kong,and alot of chinese food there too!Hmm canberra capital is not bad is just less of sight seeing place....1nite stay of us is enought to take tour in city at nite we just stay in motel,but we so enjoy they chinese food there is nice and we bought alot of asia instant food going back because in our place is not much asia food buy,that why i so excite.....
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
5 Simple Rules.
Remember the 5 simple rules to be happy.
- Free your heart from hatred.
- Free your mind from worries.
- Live simply.
- Give more.
- Expect less.
No one can go back and make a brand new start.
Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
God didn't promise days without pain,laughter
without sorrow,sun without rain,
but he did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears,and light for the way.
Disappointments are like road humps,
they slow you down a bit but you enjoy,
the smooth road afterwards.
Don't say on the humps too long
Move on!
When you feel down because you didn't got what you want,
just sit tight and be happy,because god is thinking
of somethings better to give you.
When somethings happens to you,good or bad,consider what it means.
There's a purpose to life's events,to teach you
how to laugh more or not to cry too hard.
You can make someone love you,all you can do is be someone
who can be loved,the rest is up to the person to realise your worth.
The measure of love is when you love without measure.
In life there are very rare chances that you meet the person you love
and loves you in return.
So once you have it don't ever let go,the chance might never comeyour way again.
It's better is lose your pride to the one you love,
than to lose the one you love because of pride.
We spend too much time looking for the right person to love
or finding fault with those we already love,
when instead we should be perfecting the love we give.
When you truly care for someone,
you don't look for faults,
you don't look for answers,
you don't look for mistakes.
Instead you fight the mistakes,you accept the faults,
and you overlook the excuses.
Never abandon an old friend.
You will never find one who can take his place.
Friendship is like wine,it gets better as it grows older.